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Refresh, Restore, Renew
At Pristine Exterior Restorations, we take pride in delivering top-tier outdoor restoration services to the beautiful communities of East Texas. Veteran-owned and operated by a dedicated U.S. Marine, we embody the same values of discipline, integrity, and commitment that guided us in service to our country. We approach every job with precision and care, ensuring results that exceed expectations. Whether you're a homeowner or a business owner, we strive to enhance the curb appeal and longevity of your property while preserving the natural charm of the Piney Woods region.
Our mission is simple: to restore your exterior spaces to their original pristine condition using state-of-the-art equipment, environmentally friendly techniques, and unmatched attention to detail. As proud members of the East Texas community, we understand the unique environment and challenges posed by the region's climate and landscape. That’s why we’re committed to offering tailored solutions that protect your property while maintaining its beauty. Let us help you restore and protect what matters most!
Over time, dirt, algae, and mildew can build up on your home's exterior, dulling its appearance and potentially causing long-term damage. Our soft washing method gently cleans siding, stucco, brick, and vinyl without hi-pressure damage, restoring your home's curb appeal safely and effectively.
Protect and restore your roof with our gentle yet effective soft wash cleaning service. Using low-pressure water and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we safely remove dirt, algae, moss, and stains without damaging your roof's surface. Extend the life of your roof and enhance your home's curb appeal with this professional, non-invasive cleaning method. Let Pristine Exterior Restorations bring your roof back to life!
Dirty, stained driveways and sidewalks can detract from the look of your property. Our high-pressure surface cleaning removes oil stains, dirt, and grime from concrete, brick, and pavers, enhancing the overall appearance of your home.
Whether it's wood, composite, or stone, we'll clean your deck or patio using the appropriate pressure and cleaning techniques to remove mildew, algae, and dirt. Our service helps extend the life of your outdoor spaces while keeping them safe and slip-free.
We clear your gutters of debris and buildup to ensure proper water drainage. Additionally, our brightening service removes black streaks and stains from gutter exteriors, leaving them spotless and gleaming.
Slippery pool decks covered in algae or mildew can be dangerous. Our pressure washing service removes buildup from concrete, tile, or stone pool decks, making them safer and more attractive.
A clean exterior is crucial for any business. Our soft washing service removes dirt, grime, and mildew from commercial buildings without damaging delicate surfaces, improving curb appeal and creating a welcoming environment for customers.
Keep your parking lots and garages clean and safe. Our high-pressure cleaning removes oil stains, tire marks, and debris, reducing wear and tear while enhancing the property's appearance.
A clean storefront is essential for making a great first impression. We'll clean your storefront windows, signage, and awnings to create a bright, inviting look that draws in customers.
Dumpster areas can quickly become unsanitary and odorous. Our pressure washing service eliminates grease, bacteria, and stains, helping you maintain a cleaner and healthier environment.
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We stay in constant communication with our customers until the job is done. To get a free quote, or if you have questions or special requests, just drop us a line.
Open today | 07:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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Pristine Exterior Restorations
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